An equitable and inclusive music industry is one that provides access to all areas where music is created, performed and promoted, to all people, and ultimately makes us stronger.

The initial aaa (Access All Areas program) kicked off in 2018, and was a collaboration of the music industry, LGBTQIA+, community and women’s health stakeholders to advance opportunities for gender equity, diversity and safety in music industry settings in Melbourne’s north and west. It also explored how gendered violence and under-representation is shaped by structures such as colonisation, racism, ableism and more, to impact particular people in unique and compounding ways. Initiated and led by cohealth's prevention team, specifically Karen Ingram and Meredith Drinkell, the project included research, training and extensive resources for the music industry.

The above video starts to explore the issues and sheds light on why we need to keep working to address it. It touches on the gender and racial bias found in the music industry and aims to amplify the voices of people who are under-represented the most.

In 2021, due to a change in cohealth's strategic priorities, it was determined that the aaa initiative would be best served at a music industry organisation to enable sustained and impactful change. Music Victoria was identified as well-placed to carry Access All Areas into the future, and have agreed to continue to pursue its fundamental purpose - to make the music industry more equitable and inclusive.

In 2022, Music Victoria was delighted partner with Support Act to see a key component of the original program - the tailored music industry Bystander Intervention Training be further refined and developed to now be rolled out nationally for free to the music industry.

Sign up to do the training here:


To find out more about the work we are doing in this space towards cultural and structural change in music industry settings please get in touch with